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Дякую. Доставили дуже швидко. Сюрприз вдався.
To order flower delivery in Lviv, you only need to call our operators or place an order yourself. Enter the name and phone number of the recipient, and we will call and find out the delivery address! In just a few hours, from the moment you contact our flower shop, you will receive a photo of a happy lady with a bouquet!
Opening hours of the shop for ordering flowers in Lviv:
Our online flower shop is open 24/7. You can place and pay for an order on the site at any time. And our support team will answer all your questions! The store can deliver flowers overnight in Lviv, but the order must be placed in advance.
Check out the entire range of our store:
We will be able to please you with a rich selection of bouquets and the freshness of flowers! Order flowers with delivery in Lviv in the best online flower shop - ProFlowers.ua Welcome to our flower shop in Lviv - we give joy and positive emotions!
Flower shop ProFlowers.ua in Lviv is the freshest flowers collected in beautiful bouquets with delivery!
Flower shops in Lviv are located almost at every turn. But there aren't many really good ones. Flower shops in the center of Lviv are a bit pricey, and on the outskirts they cannot boast of a choice of flowers and compositions. We invite you to visit the number one flower shop in Lviv! Why us?
Have you already made sure that the Lviv flower shop number one is us? Good luck shopping then! Well, our modest team will do everything so that those moments that we spend together will leave only positive emotions in your memory!
✅ What do you need to order flowers in Lviv today?
Today you just need to visit this page. Just a few clicks and the bouquet you like is in your basket! At the same time, you choose the delivery time and contact details of the gift recipient! Be sure that your surprise will be in the hands of the recipient at the appointed time!
✅ How to pay for flower delivery in Lviv?
You will be presented with several payment options. You can pay with a bank card or contact the bank.
✅ Where can I see real photos of bouquets and deliveries?
You can look at the photos of bouquets made by our florists inside the product, for example, a bouquet of 101 roses. You can see photos of deliveries on the photo reports page.
✅ Will I be able to see the status of my order after payment?
You can check the status of your order at any time on the order status check page.
In the online store proflowers.ua 🌺 you can order flower delivery in Lviv to any existing address absolutely free 👍
TOP 3 ⬆️ most popular flower bouquets according to buyers' opinion:
✔️Bouquet "Provence"
✔️A set of balloons "On your birthday"
✔️Bouquet "Compliment"
Of course, our specialist will be happy to help you make the right choice, all your questions can be asked by phone 📞 (099) 668-75-51 📞